Hi, I’m Andi

Playing outside, making plant potions, and connecting with the cosmos is what I do.

I started Saint Alchemy as an expression of my love for the earth and a desire to share the magic and medicine of plants with the world.

It is my hope that my potions connect folks with their environment. My herbal medicines and cosmic skincare products may lead you to realize how healing and magical the plants that grow wild right in our backyards are. If that knowledge inspires you to better steward the planet that feeds us, then I’ve reached my goal.

The Honourable Harvest

The majority of our ingredients are wild foraged on treaty 7 land. Foraging respectfully, ethically, and within a relationship of reciprocity to the land is incredibly important to us.

The ingredients that we don’t forage are locally sourced when possible and are always natural and sustainable.

Our Values

Small Batch

We aren’t here for the mass extraction of natural resources or the perpetuation of the linear materials economy. We handcraft everything in small quantities and nothing goes to waste in the process.


Saint Alchemy is queer + non-binary owned. All of our potions are gender neutral.

Astro Herbalism and Botanical Alchemy

Plants hold healing for our physical symptoms of dis-ease. We believe that plants also bring healing toward the energies that lead to a lot of those physical symptoms. On a spiritual level, plants initiate us through the planetary energies and archetypes they are associated with.

For example, respiratory symptoms are often present in folks who have challenges around communication and expression. Mercury is associated with the throat and communication. Plants ruled by Mercury often have an affinity for the respiratory system and are suitable treatments for throat or lung conditions. So a Mercurial medicine would treat both the physical and energetic symptoms, soothing the throat and supporting the ability to communicate honestly, succinctly, and authentically.

Our plant and planetary medicines are created with this knowledge of the connection between nature and the cosmos. We use the principles of botanical alchemy and forage plants on the planetary day of the plant. For example, we forage Saturnian plants, like mullein, on Saturday.

Creative Ceremony

All of life is ceremony. To be in conscious co-creation with the plants and planets is to be in ceremony.

We use tools like tuning forks and smoking cleansing to amplify the healing frequencies of our potions. The real power comes from the intention behind the creation - inner alchemy.  

Reunion and Rebirth

It is our mission to honour the cycles of life and death in nature. It is our mission to reunite science and magic. It is our mission to share the medicine of earth.

All of our products are created with this intention. Alchemizing death, loss, and control into life, abundance, and surrender.


  • Bachelor of Arts in Ecological Determinants of Health from McGill University, 2016

  • Over six years of experience as an environmental educator and park naturalist

  • Formal studies with The School of Evolutionary Herbalism paired with in-depth self-study of both herbalism and astrology

from the earth

for the body

toward the heavens